He’s a Quack!
“Good morning… Mr…Ahhh… Chicken. What brings you in today?” questioned the ‘on call’ doctor .
“Well Doc,” Chainsaw began to speak as he rested on the paper covered exam table. “It’s like this. For the last several days I have been feeling like my gizzard in out of whack. It’s not working as it should.”
“Gizzard!” exclaimed the doctor. “Your gizzard has been troubling you?”
“Oh yes, Doc!” proclaimed Chainsaw. Think you might have some notion of what might be going on with me?”
The doctor starred at Chainsaw for an extra moment , took a deep breath as if he was tired and needed a boost of energy, then began. “As I see it you have a few other issues going on besides your gizzard.”
He continued. “How long have you been feeling… ahhhh… thinking…. ahhhh… that you are a chicken?
Puzzled, Chainsaw calmly addressed the doctors curious question. “As long as I can remember, Doc. You’ve never treated me. Do you know Dr. DeBakie Chicken? He’s my usual doctor. I’ve been seeing him for years.”
“Oh I’ve seen him in the staff meetings. But I am concerned about you” the doctor continued sincerely.
Chainsaw interjected “I think my gizzard has got the Covid. Can you give me something to cure it?”
The doctor answered abruptly. “You don’t have a gizzard”…
“What? Sure I do” stated Chainsaw.
The doctor continued” Furthermore, I think I will give you a referral to see another doctor friend of mine at the sanitarium, I mean the building across the street.”
“Oh doc, can you just give me some Hydroxy-what cha call it?” asked Chainsaw.
“No” answered the doctor.
“Ivermectin?” Chainsaw muttered?
“No” the doctor stated flatly.
“Remdesivir… Monoclonal Antibody’s?” Chainsaw bounced back words like it was a game of ping-pong.
The doctor turned, picked up a phone, pressed a call button. When someone answered be calmly said “I need you and two other people, yeah the big guys, to come to exam room 3 and help my patient across the street to the ‘clinic’ that might better help him”.